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Advice you actually want to take!

When it comes to corporate business advice, Jennings Partners is the only name you need to know. We have an extensive range of areas in which we provide business advice.

Here’s how you can tap into our wealth of expert knowledge:

Due diligence and transaction support

Businesses involved in mergers or acquisitions must know exactly what they are getting themselves into – and that means identifying the risks and the opportunities associated with the business under consideration.

Conducting effective financial due diligence can help buyers and lenders make sound financial decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Our unique due diligence methodology enables us to provide a detailed review of a potential aquisition from a financial and commercial perspective, to identify issues likely to affect the acquisition.

Our due diligence and transaction support includes:

  • Identifying key issues likely to impact the decision to continue with the acquisition;
  • Evaluating the purchase price;
  • Reviewing the proposed transaction structure and advising on alternatives;
  • Advising on financial, taxation and commercial aspects of the purchase agreement.

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Valuation and expert reports

The valuation process is a critical element of any business activitiy, and at Jennings Partners, our valuations and expert reports ensure that you are made aware of any potential issues at the earliest stage of the process.

Our detailed reporting provides a detailed explanation of the key value drivers and assumptions that underpin the valuation, and includes recommendations on any commercial or financial risks identified during our valuation process.

We provide evaluations and expert reports in the areas of:

  • merger and acquisitions;
  • funding and refinancing;
  • taxation;
  • valuation of intangibles;
  • corporate compliance;
  • litigation support;
  • employee share and option plans.

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Financial modeling

Financial models underpin most business decisions, because they allow organisations to accurately and confidently assess the financial implications of commercial decisions.

However, successful business decisions depend on robust financial models – and that is where Jennings Partners can assist.

Our financial modelling team has an impressive track record in creating successful financial models in the areas of:

  • mergers and acquisitions;
  • investment decisions;
  • budgeting and forecasting;
  • major projects;
  • commercial analysis;

Financial model review

If you have exisisting financial models it’s well worth having Jennings Partners conduct a review, especially given that research shows that over 95 per cent of financial models contain errors.

At the conclusion of the review we will provide you with a report detailing a summary of errors, along with recommendations for improvement.

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Business sale support

If there is one area of business where emotions can cloud the judgment of even the most focused business owner, it’s the sale of their business. After all, for most business owners, their company is the culmination of years of hard work, passion and sacrifice. And this is why smart businesses engage the services of Jennings Partners’ business sale support.

Our team will negotiate and organise all areas of the sale on behalf of your business, leaving you undistracted and free to continue focusing on your business, therefore increasing the sales value.

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Corporate governance advisory

Corporate governance is the constitution under which your company runs, and it is essential to an organisation’s operations, as well as its credibility and reputation, that the board and senior management practice effective and transparent corporate governance.

We help you evaluate the key structures, relationships and processes required for effective corporate governance, and set systems in place to ensure ongoing seamless operation.

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Research and development

Significant tax concessions exist in the area of research and development. However, the taxation law in this area is complex. Jennings Partners consultants are experts in this area and can assist your business in maximising its research and development tax concession.

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Expert Market Development Grant

Are you dreaming of your business one day breaking into international markets? You might be eligible for the Australian Government’s Export Market Development Grant (EMDG).

The grant, of up to $200,000, is designed to assist small to medium-sized Australian entities to develop overseas markets for their products.

Jennings Partners are well placed to assist in assessing the eligibility of your product and advising on documentation required in order to support the application, having prepared several successful applications in the past.

We can assist with the structuring of any arrangements with overseas businesses or consultancies to maximise your business’ EMDG eligibility, and attend any required audits.

Need some expert advice?

Talk to one of our experts about how Jennings Partners’ corporate business advisory services can assist you with your business’ finances management, leaving you free to grow your business and achieve your goals.

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