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We help you manage a super future!

Your superannuation is probably the largest savings fund you will have in your life. If you want to be in control of your retirement savings and how they are invested, a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) may be for you.

There are many reasons why people choose SMSF, such as greater control, lower fees, flexibility of investment, and significant tax benefits. Yet with SMSF comes increased responsibility and statutory obligations.

How bright can we make your future?

Jennings Partners offer a range of administration packages that can be tailored to suit specific needs.

Set up, administration and advisory

Our team of experts will work with you on all aspects of setting up a SMSF, from preparing the trust deed and relevant trustee declarations to lodging taxation forms and establishing a cash management account for the fund.

Depending on the individual nature of your SMSF, Jennings Partners offer a choice of daily or annual administration.

Daily administration involves keeping SMSF records up to date on a daily basis, meaning detailed data is available at any time. Daily reporting also ensures that any breaches of compliance are picked up immediately.

Annual administration involves Jennings Partners collecting all data and documentation relating to the SMSF annually. The data is then compiled, checked and prepared into compliance documentation, financial accounts, and tax returns.

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Gearing solutions

For many trustees of SMSF, property is a key form of investment. However, the rules for borrowing to buy property in your SMSF are complex and without professional assistance, it can be difficult to make sure your SMSF remains compliant.

Jennings Partners takes the hassle out of purchasing property in your SMSF by providing:

  • Security Custodian Trust Deed;
  • Review of existing SMSF Trust Deed;
  • New corporate trustee for the Security Custodian Trust;
  • Stamping of Security Custodian Trust;
  • Relationship management with third parties.

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Consultancy services

Jennings Partners provide an extensive range of support services for SMSF trustees. Services include:

SMSF Trust Deed review service

Superannuation legislation is constantly changing and unless a fund is regularly reviewed, it can easily slip out of compliance and be in breach of the law. Our experts will periodically review the SMSF and provide a written report on compliance.

SMSF Trust Deed amendment service

From time to time, a trustee will want to amend the SMSF to cater for changes in circumstance or embrace new opportunities. In such circumstances, we can provide a SMSF Trust Deed Amendment service to ensure that the change is carried out in accordance with the law.

SMSF benefit payment service

When that Gold Watch Day arrives for a member of your SMSF, Jennings Partners can manage the payment, be it as a pension or lump sum, in compliance with the fund’s conditions of release.

Other SMSF consulting and support services

Jennings Partners also provide additional consulting services on an individual basis.

Consulting services may be required in rectifying compliance breaches, implementing ad hoc strategies, re-contribution strategies and other areas of superannuation that require specialist consideration.

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Corporate trustee services

In situations where a SMSF has a corporate trustee structure, there are routine compliance processes that need to be followed on behalf of the company that acts as the trustee for the fund. Jennings Partners can act as a registered agent for the corporate trustee, performing the work required by law for compliance.

Ready to plan your future wealth?

Talk to one of our experts about how Jennings Partners can assist you in managing your SMSF to deliver maximum investment returns.

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